A 300-piece puzzle featuring the GOD original, illustrated Lucky Cat. The original waving cat from Japan has gained huge popularity in Hong Kong. This is an adaptation showing the beloved...
An automatic umbrella made with quick-drying and stain-resistant Teflon™ in the exclusive GOD Signature Print, Black Mahjong. Black Mahjong is an illustrated print where the tiles have been changed to a bold...
A most popular pastime today, Mahjong originates from ancient China. Four players draw tiles in turns until one can collect a hand with a pre-set pattern. Hands have different winning...
Buy 2 and Get 20% Off A fun sleep mask asking others to not disturb you in Chinese and English. Soft cotton padding makes it super comfortable on...
Attach this zipper case to your notebook and have pens ready anytime. Two convenient card slots inside plus an elasticated band to adjust to different notebook sizes. Specifications:Size: 8 (h)...
Our fun embroidered patches allow you to show your love for Hong Kong by proudly displaying these coloured patches on any of your stuff. Our patches also have a strong...
The giant panda is the rarest member of the bear family and considered to be China's national treasure. In efforts to raise awareness of their near extinct numbers, G.O.D. created...
GOD Original Woven Boxer Shorts, featuring a captivating black and white version of our renowned GOD Signature Print, Yaumati. Inspired by the unique vernacular architecture of Hong Kong, Yaumati...
A GOD Original apron with an illustration inspired by the style of the retro propaganda advertisements put out by the government of China back in the 1970's. The woman is shouting...
One of our bestsellers, this Boxing Man apron is a GOD Original and gives you the body of a prize-fighting boxer without all the hard work! Designed with deep, wide...
The 'Letterbox' is one of the most popular G.O.D. signature prints. It is inspired by the metal letterboxes that were scattered throughout hallways in older Hong Kong buildings in order...