Tsang Tsou-Choi, the self-titled ‘King of Kowloon’, is a legendary figure in Hong Kong’s cultural landscape. In 2006, he created an exclusive print for GOD to turn into a collaborative...
Tsang Tsou-Choi, the self-titled ‘King of Kowloon’, is a legendary figure in Hong Kong’s cultural landscape. In 2006, he created an exclusive print for GOD to turn into a collaborative...
Care instructions: - Wash separately before use - Wash gently in cold water - Do not soak or bleach item - Do not tumble dry- Warm iron if needed Mannequin...
A GOD Original, this super soft knot button hoodie is now back by popular demand. In an elegant royal blue, this gender-neutral jacket adds the perfect touch of colour to...
A GOD Original, this super soft knot button hoodie is now back by popular demand. In a powerful navy, this gender-neutral jacket adds the perfect touch of colour to your...
Details: - Made of Denim - Model wearing size M Care instructions: - Wash separately before use - Wash gently in cold water - Do not soak or bleach item...
Details: - Made of Silk - Free SizeColour: Purple Blue Care Instructions: - Wash Separately Before First Use- Wash Gently In Cold Water - Do Not Soak or Bleach -...
Care instructions: - Wash separately before use - Wash gently in cold water - Do not soak or bleach item - Do not tumble dry- Warm iron if needed Mannequin...
A GOD Original design, the High Low Cheongsam is a modern take on the timeless cheongsam design. With its unique twist, this shirt jacket features a shorter length in the...
Details: - 100% Cotton Care instructions:- Wash separately before use- Wash gently in cold water- Do not soak or bleach - Do not tumble dry- Warm iron if needed...
A GOD Original, this knot button jacket blends traditional Chinese aesthetics with modern design elements. This jacket showcases the timeless charm of knot buttons in black and a classic mandarin...
A GOD Original, this super soft knot button fleece jacket is a gender-neutral jacket that is a perfect everyday jacket for your winter wardrobe. Inspired by traditional Chinese jackets, our fleeces beautifully...