The Maneki-neko, also known as Lucky Cat or Fortune Cat is an iconic Japanese figurine and lucky charm, believed to bring good luck to its owner. There are many stories...
The Maneki-neko, also known as Lucky Cat or Fortune Cat is an iconic Japanese figurine and lucky charm, believed to bring good luck to its owner. There are many stories...
Sunset Survivors tells the stories of Hong Kong’s traditional tradesmen and women through stunning imagery and candid interviews. Covering a myriad of curious professions that are quickly falling into obscurity, from...
MingCha's Jasmine Blossoms tea is a handcrafted green tea made with air-dried Lily & Thousand Day Red flowers wrapped in young green tea leaf-buds. It is then scented six times with fresh...
MingCha's Jasmine Pearls is a green tea made with Spring-harvest, downy green leaf bud rolled pearls. It is then scented six times with fresh Jasmine flowers. This tea is good for...
National Geographic Award Winner, Tin Chun Fook's, superb photography skills have long been admired by his fans and fellow photographers. The aesthetic essence of his photography is now presented here in this...
MingCha's Wild Chrysanthemums tea is made with premium flowers. It is a cool, detox tea which is also good for eye health. These earthy wild Chrysanthemums come in a beautiful small glass tube and protective cylinder making...
MingCha's Rose Buds tea is a floral tea made with premium-grade rose buds. This tea is good for its warming effects and aids in calming and blood circulation. These vibrant pink rose buds come in...
A perfect miniature of the angry cat in a small/large silicone magnet. The Maneki-neko, also known as Lucky Cat or Fortune Cat is an iconic Japanese figurine and lucky charm...
Golden Osmanthus tea is made with the flower buds of the Osmanthus flower with a fruity and floral aroma. A caffeine-free tea, this tea is good for oral health, reducing...
Impression Hong Kong is a photobook and visual poetry about the diversity and the subtle beauty of this island. From street art to street food; from colonial to contemporary architecture;...
A photo dairy and a monologue of a Gen Xer diving into the colonial memories and swimming out the sea of reflection on the changing landscape of Hong Kong where he...