The Maneki-neko, also known as Lucky Cat or Fortune Cat is an iconic Japanese figurine and lucky charm, believed to bring good luck to its owner. There are many stories about its origins.
When Lao Ganbu first saw a Fortune Cat, he was struck by its similarity to the rude gesture of ‘giving someone the finger’. The gesture expresses disdain or annoyance, which cats are indeed known for.
Angry Cat is simply a whimsical and humorous take on a cute icon.
Handcrafted in resin, each cat is individually hand painted and numbered.
Handcrafted in resin, each cat is individually hand painted and numbered.
About the artist
Lao Ganbu (老干部) is the pseudonym of a retired, reclusive official, turned artist, who spent his formative years in China during and after the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution. Labouring in factories and fields as a student, he had plenty of time to consider the irony of human existence, which is reflected in his creations. The artist now lives in the shadows, on the margins of society and prefers to remain anonymous.
Lao Ganbu (老干部) is the pseudonym of a retired, reclusive official, turned artist, who spent his formative years in China during and after the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution. Labouring in factories and fields as a student, he had plenty of time to consider the irony of human existence, which is reflected in his creations. The artist now lives in the shadows, on the margins of society and prefers to remain anonymous.
- Hand-painted
- Includes Collector's Gift Box
- 15 (h) cm
- Red with Black & Gold Highlights
- 15 (h) cm
- Red with Black & Gold Highlights
- Made of Resin
*Expect slight variations due to the nature of hand painting.