Who hasn't Annie Leibovitz photographed? She has taken portraits of some of the most influential women in the world. From singer Adele, Pakistani female education activist Malala Yousafzai, primatologist Jane Goodall, transgender activist Caitlyn Jenner to just about every major celebrity in Hollywood.
We stopped by the Annie Leibovitz's Women Exhibition in Hong Kong on it's round the world tour. Searching for a raw exhibition space as opposed to a modern spaces Hong Kong favors, the tour guide tells us that Leibovitz struggled to find a space she connected with in Hong Kong. This was until she found an abandoned Kennedy Town warehouse with exposed concrete beams and natural light streaming in from both sides.
As well as the 22 key celebrity portraits on display, there were also high-resolution screens showcasing slideshows of her other Women portraits. There was even a reading room with a collection of coffee table books from other top photographers for the public to browse.
Leibovitz compared the experience of putting together an exhibition on Women as a big undertaking - as the subject is so vast, it's like going out and photographing the sea. We really enjoyed the combination of portraits of every day women in real life situations as well as the staged theatrical portraits of the famous faces she is famed for. In her own words, "This celebration of variety, of individuality, as style, saps the authority of gender stereotypes, and has become an inexorable counter force to the bigotry that still denies women more than token access to many occupations and experiences.”
Here are some of our favourite portraits from the legendary photographer: