Calling all GOD fans! We have started a new Instagram & Facebook page highlighting some of the best GOD products and designs throughout the years. Share some of your favourites with us! IG:@goodsofdesire @GODHK.Classics.
FB: @GOD - Goods of Desire @GODHK Classics
Whether its something you've loved for years and and hung onto or an old photo you have of a product you miss!
We started in 1996 in a small warehouse store in Ap Lei Chau and throughout our 25+year history, we have had so many products and prints and projects! Nothing is too small!
So Delay No More! Follow and DM or tag us at @godhk.classics with the photo of your GOD item. We may even offer to trade or buy back some iconic products to use for an exhibition in future.
#GODOriginal #HKHeritage #ProudlyHongKong