GOD Folding Fan
Calling all GOD fans! We have started a new Instagram & Facebook page highlighting some of the best GOD products and designs throughout the years. Share some of your favourites with us! IG:@goodsofdesire @GODHK.Classics.
FB: @GOD - Goods of Desire @GODHK Classics
Hong Kong Stamp Notebook GOD
Whether its something you've loved for years and and hung onto or an old photo you have of a product you miss!
Double Happiness Tea Cups
We started in 1996 in a small warehouse store in Ap Lei Chau and throughout our 25+year history, we have had so many products and prints and projects! Nothing is too small!
GOD Leather Amah Bag
So Delay No More! Follow and DM or tag us at @godhk.classics with the photo of your GOD item. We may even offer to trade or buy back some iconic products to use for an exhibition in future.
Delay No More Mug
#GODOriginal #HKHeritage #ProudlyHongKong