The Maneki-neko, also known as Lucky Cat or Fortune Cat is an iconic Japanese figurine and lucky charm, believed to bring good luck to its owner. There are many stories...
Playful Socks created these fun socks for anyone who loves dim sum as they are inspired by the yum cha culture in Hong Kong. In Hong Kong, we would often...
A fun set of six original GOD Mahjong silicone wine markers. This set contains the dragon tiles. Mahjong is an ancient game from China, which remains one of the most popular pastimes...
The Maneki-neko, also known as Lucky Cat or Fortune Cat is an iconic Japanese figurine and lucky charm, believed to bring good luck to its owner. There are many stories...
Soft and quick-drying, this multi-functional towel, woven with the iconic HK skyline, can be used at the beach, on a junk as a towel, and at home as a sofa...
A water resistant and easy to clean placemat featuring the an illustrated ombre version of the GOD signature print, Letterbox. Letterbox is inspired by the metal letterboxes that were scattered...
A water resistant and easy to clean placemat featuring the colourful GOD signature print, Nathan Road. Nathan Road is a 3.6-kilometre road in Kowloon. In Tsim Sha Tsui, it is a...
A fun set of six original GOD Mahjong silicone wine markers. This set contains the wind direction tiles. Mahjong is an ancient game from China, which remains one of the most popular pastimes today....
Playful Socks' obsession with this beloved Hong Kong snack, the egg tart, motivated them to capture its greatness in their Hong Kong Food Series. What is that wonderful smell? It...
A double-sided cushion featuring the famous neon signs of our Nathan Road print. The front of the cushion is overflowing with the signs whereas the back is more reflective of today as...
Hong Kong's beloved red market lanterns in a string of fairy lights. A string of 12 delicate red mini lanterns that light up. Perfect for setting soft lighting in a...