Lost in Hong Kong follows a young boy, Tim Chan, as he chases his mischievous dog across the city, from Hong Kong Park to Sai Kung. It is a light-hearted...
Billy the Cavalier and Friends: The Peak Adventure is a fun and educational children's book by Jessamy Woolley set in the heart of Hong Kong. This magical tale takes Billy on...
The Traditional Chinese Toys Counting Book uses the traditional toys of Chinese children to teach your children counting in both English and Mandarin Chinese?and?to learn all about the wonderfully fun...
Details: - By Lindsay Varty - Dimension: 205 mm x 205 mm - In English
Details: - Written by Sarah Brennan - Illustrated by Charly Cheung - Age: Children / Juvenile - Language: English - Dimension: 200mm x 130mm
Chinese fung shui tells us there is a dragon inhabiting every green valley, protective of the mountains and its route to the sea. Hiking into the hills of Hong Kong...
A Hong Kong twist on the much-loved family game, Ludo, by Lion Rock Press. Players race their playing pieces from their chosen habitat to the safety of their home...
Color Hong Kong (A4 Landscape with high quality paper). The spiral binding allows it to lie flat. Lorette invites us to use the book as a sketchbook, scrapbook...
Eileen Chang is one of the great writers of twentieth-century China, where she enjoys a passionate following both on the mainland and in Taiwan. At the heart of Chang's achievement...
There's no place like home. But as Neve discovers, home can mean different things to different creatures. Stick indoors during a torrential rainstorm, Neve expects a boring day of TV...
Hong Kong Transport Decorations are the perfect gift for loved ones near and far, of any age. Hand-painted, with a satin ribbon for hanging, they will be treasured keepsakes for years to come....
Hong Kong Five Senses invites us to a journey in a city emanating the beauty of energy, vibrant, cosmopolitan and unique as ever. To draw Hong Kong is to take...