The Maneki-neko, also known as Lucky Cat or Fortune Cat is an iconic Japanese figurine and lucky charm, believed to bring good luck to its owner. There are many stories...
This pair of socks features the GOD created black, white and red Mahjong print on a green base. Mahjong is an ancient game from China, which remains one of the...
From Playful Socks' Hong Kong Food Series, another must-have is the Hong Kong-style milk tea. Made through a type of hose fabric and finished off with evaporated or condensed milk...
GOD Scented Candles: Buy 3 and Get 20% Off A GOD original, this scented soy wax jar candle features the auspicious interlocking Chinese double coins that symbolise wealth and prosperity...
A shrunken teapot that fits into your cup! No more debate over which tea to have or how strong it is as each person can now enjoy their own cup of...
The lucky cat is beloved for its believed ability to bring good luck. The lucky cat is usually found with its upright paw in the front of shops and restaurants...
A set of four stackable mugs with a connecting design of the GOD signature print, Nathan Road, in a convenient metal storage rack. One of our most popular signature...
Experience the unique vibrancy of Hong Kong with this GOD Original 4R padded photo frame featuring the iconic Nathan Road signature print. This GOD original illustration showcases the neon signs...
Part of the Icon HK collection by Zest of Asia, this napkin set has four beloved symbols of Hong Kong: the junk boat, rice bowl, birdcages and a tram in grey. ...
Buy 3 and Get 20% Off A GOD Original scented jar candle in our bold green prosperity signature print. Though this stylish candle brings back much nostalgia, GOD has created...
An apron featuring the original GOD signature print, Nathan Road. Nathan Road is an iconic Hong Kong urban scene inspired by the lit-up neon signs that used to populate this very busy...